Lost Forest
Home 9 LUMA23 9 Lost Forest

An ancient energy source stands as a monolithic landmark in the forest. Formed from the fusion of a futuristic technology with a global mycelial network, it bonds together the highest intelligences in the synthetic and natural worlds. Drawing life to it with frequencies far beyond human comprehension.

A thriving community living a harmonious existence drawing from and giving back to this special energy source with ritual, music, dance and celebration.

Collaborators: Luke Baldock, Lakshman Anandanayagam, Kim Baldwinson, Tao Mao, Fiber Dumortier, Mike Hodgson, Ben Lawrence, Emma Herbert Vickers, Chloe Loftus, Tym Miller-White, Paul Haswell & Lexi Boddy
Performers: Chloe Loftus, Melina Shabel, Antonio Gimenez, Matias Valenzuela, Pablo Orlando, Patricia Kirchoff, Lucas Rodriguez
DJs: Ribera, Dylan C & Ed Zuccollo, Marcos Alonso, Sinclair, Misled Convoy, Coda, Jen Kyle, & Djamasté